Pages tagged "Animal Policy (Domestic)"
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Animal Definition
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises the complexity and extent of the non-human animal world, and values and respects all animal forms. Humans are animals too, but the focus here is on...
Animal Law
We seek a new legal status for animals, acknowledging their right to live protected from human harm. Key Objectives To establish a federal Animal Rights Commission to investigate commercial animal exploitation and promote...
Companion Animals
Companion animals are sentient beings with intrinsic value and have a special place in our society. While many companion animals are beloved family members and receive constant care and affection, other companion...
Puppy and Kitten Farms
The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises that people love companion cats and dogs, they care about their wellbeing, and we do too. Therefore, the AJP calls for an immediate end to puppy...
Veterinary Care
Many Australians live with and care for companion animals. The overall wellbeing of all animals is a foundation for a good society. The Animal Justice Party (AJP) believes that animals should receive...