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Animal Policy (Wild)

Join the Fight to Ban 1080 Poison in Victoria

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) will never support lethal population control measures for any animal. But 1080 poison especially should be banned immediately. It is not just deadly and uncontrollable, it also kills slowly...

Animal Policy (Captive) | Animal Policy (Domestic) | Animal Policy (Wild)

Animal Definition

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises the complexity and extent of the non-human animal world, and values and respects all animal forms. Humans are animals too, but the focus here is on...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Bats And Flying Foxes

The AJP values flying foxes and bats for their intrinsic worth and believes we should provide and maintain their basic needs, instead of seeing them as ‘pests’. Key Objectives To address misinformation focusing...

Animal Policy (Wild)


Brumbies are introduced free-roaming horses that have existed in Australia since European invasion. Brumbies are sentient animals that are worthy of protection, yet they have also attracted controversy due to competition with...

Animal Policy (Wild)


The AJP sees dingoes as a valuable part of the eco-system; being a native apex predator. The economic impact of dingoes on meat producers has driven their persecution since white arrival. The...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Duck Shooting

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to shooting flying birds with shotguns, regardless of the purpose. Key Objectives That recreational duck and quail shooting be immediately banned. That an enquiry be established...

People Policy | Planet Policy | Animal Policy (Domestic) | Animal Policy (Wild)


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to fireworks because of their impact on wildlife and domesticated animals, which outweighs any engaging and exciting display. Key Objectives End the use of fireworks....

Planet Policy | Animal Policy (Wild)


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) recognises that the value of native forests, including old-growth forests, is greater to animals, biodiversity and the climate than the commercial value of harvested material. Logging of...

Animal Policy (Captive) | Animal Policy (Wild)


The Animal Justice Party opposes the production and use of animal fur. This includes both the import into and export from Australia of fur from purpose-built fur farms, as a by-product of...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Introduced Animals

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) objects to the use of vilifying imagery and language (‘feral’, ‘noxious’, ‘vermin’, ‘invasive’ and ‘pest’) that is used to develop a lack of empathy for introduced animals...

Animal Policy (Wild)


The Animal Justice Party (AJP) values and respects invertebrates as important members of the animal world and for their importance to biodiversity and ecosystem function. The AJP calls for more education to increase public awareness...

Animal Policy (Wild)


Kangaroos are sentient and sociable native Australian animals with strong cultural significance for First Nations and the nation as a whole. We must cease treating kangaroos as a ‘resource’, or a ‘pest’...

Animal Policy (Wild)


Koalas must not be judged on the basis of their impact on development or tourism. Their habitat must be protected, particularly given their current vulnerable status in Queensland, NSW and ACT. They...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Marine Animals

Many marine animals, including fish, feel joy, suffering and pain just as land animals do. The Animal Justice Party believes their current treatment is inconsistent with these basic scientific facts and must...

Animal Policy (Wild) |

Mouse Populations

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to reactionary approaches to high numbers of house mice (Mus musculus), and believes that proactive strategies are more humane and effective. More must be done...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Native Birds

The AJP wants to increase biodiversity and to promote practices that enable a flourishing native bird population, coexisting with humans throughout Australia. The AJP recognises the importance that biodiversity plays for birdlife...

Animal Policy (Wild)


The indirect threats to platypus are dealt with in the Animal Justice Party (AJP) policies on diet and population. In particular, our food policies allow us to halt and reverse our appropriation of wildlife...

Animal Policy (Wild)


Sharks are an essential part of ocean eco-systems and the AJP advocates complete protection for them; from both culling and harvesting. We also call for a ban on the importation of all...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Wet Markets

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) is opposed to wet markets that sell and slaughter live animals. Wet markets are cruel and contribute to wildlife exploitation and the spread of zoonotic diseases. The...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Wildlife Care

The Animal Justice Party believes that if wildlife is killed, injured, sick, orphaned or displaced as a result of direct or indirect human activities, we have a duty to rectify the harm caused, by...

Animal Policy (Wild)

Wildlife Protection

The Animal Justice Party recognises wild animals as individuals with unique needs, and believes that humanity has a duty to allow them to live their lives unimpeded and unharmed by human actions to the...

Animal Policy (Wild)


The AJP recognises that wombats and their rights to protection, quality of life and habitat preservation are the responsibility of all Australians. We have a unique role in caring for this iconic...