Passionate about animal welfare and protection, Loraine is proud to stand as your candidate for Oakleigh.
Loraine cares deeply for the environment and all species. She believes animals are sentient beings with the same rights as humans to live in peace - safe from being killed, abused or used for commercial or scientific purposes. It is this belief that motivated her to become involved with the Animal Justice Party, whose core values of kindness, equality, rationality and non-violence mirror her own.
As part of creating a world where animals are protected and treated humanely, Loraine will advocate for the phasing out of commercial exploitation of animals, the culling of native animals and an end to animal experimentation. She will push for a new legal status for animals, acknowledging their right to live free from human harm.
When elected, Loraine's priority is to ensure that animals have just representation in our legislation, including the creation of a new position in the Victorian Parliament: Minister for Animal Protection.
Born and raised in Caulfield, Loraine lived overseas for some years before returning home to Melbourne's leafy inner southeast. She enjoys going out and being part of the area’s vibrant and diverse cultural communities. Loraine speaks of her pride in and love for the glorious parks, reserves and creeks that provide habitat for so many native birds and wildlife.
Loraine has enjoyed a long corporate career, primarily in the recruitment industry. Since retiring, she has revived her acting career and was recently seen on ABC TV’s series, ‘Fires’. Loraine is also a writer and a DanceSport competitor in two styles: Ballroom and New Vogue.
Get in Touch!
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @loraine.fabb.ajp
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