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AJP Submission to Seismic Survey of the Otway Basin

The AJP Victoria Submission to the "Otway Basin 3D Multi-client Marine Seismic Survey" is now available here. 

GS proposes undertaking a three-dimensional (3D) multi-client marine seismic survey (MSS) in the Otway Basin, in Commonwealth waters offshore of Victoria and Tasmania.

The purpose of this consultation is to review the adequacy and thoroughness of the Environmental Plan (EP) prepared by TGS for a seismic blasting project and to consider the robustness of their risk evaluation methodologies and their risk management strategies. [Link to Consultation Site]

The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the inquiry include:

  • Identification and description of environmental features in the environment plan
  • Identification and evaluation of environmental impacts and environmental risks described in the environmental plan.
  • Management of environmental impacts and environmental risks described in the environment plan.

The Animal Justice Party contributed a 28-page submission to this consultation and made 40 recommendations.

Our Submission Conclusion 

The Environment Plan submitted by TGS is a deficient, inaccurate evaluation of the mounting scientific evidence about the destruction caused by seismic surveys. The Risk Management Plan and risk mitigation are not fit for purpose. We also note that an application of some 1,450 pages (with seven pages of references) that requires a response within 30 days is unreasonable, unfair, and unachievable to adequately assess the capacity required for basic review (let alone thorough review).

There have not been sufficient studies performed on the potential impacts of seismic testing on marine and other animals to be confident that any proposed mitigations to keep them safe from harm will be sufficient.

Additionally, the consultation process has not adequately engaged with local First Nations communities or their representatives in order to determine the impact of this proposal on areas or species of cultural significance.

Nor has there been appropriate consultation with other local community members affected by this proposal such as tour operators, or local sea-loving residents.

Approving this proposal and allowing seismic testing to commence based on insufficient and inadequate information and directly flouting evidence of known negative and even unlawful impacts on wildlife, is not only irresponsible, but potentially criminal.

We urge you to immediately halt this proposal and not allow seismic testing in the Otway Basin.

You can download and read our full submission below.

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