Effective, fit for purpose surface and subsurface drainage is essential for sustainable irrigated agriculture. The draft Goulburn Murray Irrigation District Drainage Management Strategy (the draft Strategy) has been developed to provide a clear direction for the future management of irrigation drainage.
The Animal Justice Party contributed a 17-page submission to this consultation and provided 32 recommendations.
Drainage and irrigation are intrinsically linked. Irrigated agriculture is expected to play a major role in reaching the broader development objectives of achieving food security and improvements in the quality of life, while conserving the environment, in both the developed and developing countries.
The failing of present systems and the inability to sustainably use surface and ground water resources can be attributed essentially to poor planning, design, system management and development. The infrastructure in most irrigated and drained areas needs to be renewed or even replaced and thus redesigned and rebuilt, in order to achieve improved sustainable production. This process depends on a number of common and well-coordinated factors such as new and advanced technology, but more importantly, a recognition that we cannot continue as before but that it is imperative that we move to growing crops which require less water and critically transitioning from animal to planet-based agriculture as an absolute imperative.